Sunday, February 8, 2015

Post 2. Had some difficulty following the tutorial. I am not certain which version of Adobe he was using but I certain it wasn't the version I have.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

So the first assignment was to research three graphic designers that work with Photoshop or other digital media, provide two images and the media they work with. 

Using one of the links provided as reference in my search I found one artist/designer that really stood out for me, Thomas Pringle. However, I could not find or determine what form of media he uses for his designs. Everything I read consistently said "painted or referred to his paintings". He is listed as one of the top 20 digital artists from 2013, so I would have to assume multiple medias are used. 

The first image is obviously either Photoshop or Illustrator, or equal media 

This is one of the "painted" style that I really like.

My second choice was Joshua M. Smith. His style is rather commercial in today's younger market. I do like his designs though. 

His second image was for a client. 

My third choice is James White. His use of the color spectrum and use of highlighting is amazing.